Friday 4 March 2016

Teenage girls turn to Prostitution to mitigate effects of drought

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Teenagers in Mwenezi have reportedly ventured into prostitution as drought wreaks havoc in the district. The teen hookers are said to be charging 50c for a se_x session in a bid to survive.

Teenagers mainly from Sarahuro, Rutenga and Neshuro growth points have reportedly ventured into thigh vending as food shortages loom, and they are paid 50c to $1 for the services rendered.

A villager from Mwenezi, Solomon Chisanga said the drought had driven villagers to do the unthinkable.

“It is very sad that the situation has come to this. Children as young as 15 years engage in pr_ostitution just to get 50c or a $1 so that they can buy food. 

The people who have money are taking advantage of the less privileged. Instead of helping them, they make them pay with sex for any help given to them,” said Chisanga.

Another villager Ruvarashe Musengi said that people had run out of options and some teenagers had seen pr_ostitution as the only option.

“The area has been hit very hard by the drought. People have nothing to do and as a result a lot of children have dropped out of school as they can’t go to school on empty stomachs. These are the same kids who resort to selling their bodies to get income. 

There is nothing much for those kids to do in their homes so they spend most of the time gallivanting at the growth points,” said Musengi.

Villagers in Mwenezi have also lost hundreds of cattle owing to drought. They are also reported to be harvesting the cicada insects (inyeza) for relish.

Source-H Metro

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