Friday 4 March 2016

Worrisome trend as unemployed Zim youths turn to dangerous drugs

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ZIMBABWEAN drug lords have found a ready market among youths as they cash in on a new intoxicating underground drug — nyaope — which is smoked as a mixture of rat poison, anti-retroviral drugs and marijuana/mbanje.

Some of the desperate drug addicts who cannot afford to buy nyaope are resorting to dangerous and bizarre practices like swallowing poisonous watery fluid from frogs or mixing it with cat furs and marijuana before smoking it.

According to Health and Empowerment Trust, the numbers of drug abusers among the youths have increased by 10 percent from January to February this year alone showing how exposed young people are to dangerous drugs.

The use of these dangerous drugs has been high among youths associated with Zimdancehall as some believe being high gives them the zeal to compose catchy melodies.

At Zimdancehall gigs, the youngsters who usually throng the bashes are always high on different drugs most of them mixtures of different and dangerous concoctions.

While heroin is being smuggled from South Africa before being distributed to different selling points in the country, it is expensive and most youths cannot afford it.

A man from the high density suburb of Mbare, who is popularly known as Ginya and is an expert in making the frog concoction, said if administered improperly “frog fluid” could kill.

He illustrated to this reporter by licking a frog’s head, claiming that the fluid on its head and upper body is an intoxicant.

“…most people who take the ‘frog fluid’ are careful not to lick more than enough because it has serious health consequences that can lead to death,” he said as he licked the top of a live frog. Clinical psychologist Farzana Naeem said something should be done to help and address the root of the problem influencing the youth to take dangerous drugs.

“Eighty percent or more of these addicts who end up patients have a history of consuming the drugs for a prolonged period of time and it is therefore necessary that they are afforded rehabilitation for a prolonged and monitored period as well.

“The problem we have in Zimbabwe is that most of those affected who report at clinics or hospitals are returned to their homes because of lack of facilities. And when they return to their bases, they continue taking drugs.

“Government and other concerned stakeholders should do more to make sure that more rehabilitation centres are created for the benefit of the youths who are mostly affected and every other person.”

Source-Weekend Post

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