Saturday 5 March 2016

Woman who lied against Model Tafadzwa Mushunje begs her forgiveness

Tafadzwa and her boyfriend
A WOMAN who dragged a Harare model to court saying she had injected the toddler with her HIV infected blood almost went down on her knees begging the model and court for forgiveness.

Tracy Hari, 31, walked into the dock with the baby strapped on her back, humbled herself and was quick to plead.

Hari told court that she unintentionally attacked the model, Tafadzwa Mushunje, as she was overwhelmed with emotions after hearing that she had infected her two year old son with the HIV virus.

She was fined $50 by magistrate, Tafadzwa Muvhami, who ruled that her actions were aggravating as she committed the crime in a police station.

“I was overwhelmed by emotions, I was not thinking and I admit I did wrong. I just couldn’t swallow the fact that someone would hurt my baby like that. I couldn’t accept it.

She added, “I would like to apologise to Tafadzwa and the court for what I did. May the court forgive me.”

In mitigation, Hari said she was a single mother paying for her rentals and bills on her own. She said she was a student.

The story of the alleged infection made headlines last week exposing Mushunje to all forms of criticism and social network attacks.

Mushunje was said to have injected the toddler with a syringe after the father, who is her boyfriend, had taken the boy for a birthday treat.

She however, walked out of court free after she and the boy both tested HIV negative forcing the state to withdraw charges against her.

The framed and shamed model was traumatised even after winning the case.

Her crime was treated as the most heinous crime a 24­year ­old girl could be accused of: using a syringe to draw her own HIV infected blood and injecting a two­ year­ old boy, the son of her new boyfriend with another woman.

Mushunje’s life was turned upside down after she was arrested and charged with deliberately transmitting HIV to the toddler and assault for allegedly making the boy drink her urine.

Her face was plastered on the front pages of newspapers and sent around the world on the internet and yet it was all not true.

Mushunje was arrested after the boy’s mother Hari went to the police claiming that she had left the tot with its father, Colin Kanonge, who was in the company of Mushunje.

She lied that the boy had been returned to her with “strange marks”.

She lied to investigators that she had received information from a friend, pointing her to a link on sleaze website called Musvo Zimbabwe, which claimed that the model assaulted the child whenever his father left the minor with her.


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