Saturday 7 May 2016

Breaking News – Find Out The Number Of Quail Eggs You Have To Eat To Cure HIV and AIDS


As quail egg is slowly becoming an easy to get product on the market, more and more people are
beginning to show interest in its use as an active natural medicine instead of conventional medicines
with so many side effects.

quail eggs

According to nutritionists, Quail egg as food, is one of the richest in good and essential ingredients and we all should have at least one a day. 

Experts in natural treatment methods claim that Quail eggs have positive effects on people with stress problems, hypertension, digestive disturbance, gastric ulcer, liver problems, blood pressure and lipid control, migraine, asthma, anemia, various types of allergies, eczema, heart problems, bronchitis illnesses, depression, and panic and anxiety illnesses. Quail eggs are also known to stimulate growth, increase sexual appetite, stimulate brain functions which improves intelligence quotient and generally rejuvenates the body

The research confirmed that, Quail eggs are poor in calories, they’re rich in protein and full of essential nutrients important to health, such as vitamins D and B12, selenium and choline. 

Further research conÚrmed that between other protein-containing foods, Quail egg contains the richest variety and mixture of amino acids that are indispensable for the healthy growth and development of children, adolescents and young adults. In addition, the high level of antioxidants in the egg helps in preventing the age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries.

Quail egg is proved to be a very valuable source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and vitamin D, iron,
magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus and other essential micro-nutrients, minerals and amino acids,
which is why it is recommended for regular consumption.

The consumption of quail eggs by HIV AIDS patients improves CD4 – 240 eggs


If you purely want to promote your health without concern for intake you can eat raw quail eggs after
washing them in boiling water. You don’t have to worry about salmonella with quail eggs as quails are resistant to infections due to their increased content of lysozyme that kills harmful bacteria. For this method eating three to Úve quail eggs each morning promotes a strong immune system and improves metabolism.

Experts say children eating quail egg are less inclined to suffer from infectious diseases than other
children. Women Únd out that quail egg improves skin colour and strengthens hair. This is why quail egg is in facial and in hair care products.

Source : Online

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