Sunday 8 May 2016

Edgars employee thrown out from 4th floor to his death by rival suitor

AN Edgars employee from Redcliff was allegedly killed by his rival suitor who threw him from the fourth floor of Musasa Court in the town after a fight over a bar lady.

The incident occurred on Friday when Fortune Gotora (26) was found dead on the tarmac outside Musasa Court in Redcliff hours after he had a heated argument with a friend at Farris 24/7 night club.

Acting Midlands police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Ethel Mukwende confirmed Gotora’s death but said police were suspecting suicide and investigations were still going on.

“I can confirm that we are investigating a case of suspected suicide where a male adult was found dead in Redcliff Town.

“Investigations are still underway and the body has been taken to hospital mortuary awaiting post-mortem.
“We will advise you if there are any new developments,” she said.

However, residents alleged that Gotora was killed by his friend with whom he had an argument at the night club over one of the women who was in the bar.

 Residents alleged that Gotora and his friend were watching a semi-final of the Europa League match between Liverpool and Villarreal on Thursday night at Farris 24/7 night club and they started arguing over one of the women in the bar. Sunday News has it in good authority that a heated argument ensued between the two which degenerated into a fight.

Redcliff Mayor Councillor Fred Kapuya said he suspected that Gotora could have been killed by some of his fellow patrons from the nightclub with whom he had an argument over a woman.

“We are suspecting that Gotora was murdered because the injuries he had do not suggest that he leaped from one of the apartments in the building. “He had a deep laceration on the head but his body has no other fracture on it.

“If he had fallen headlong maybe his brains could have been splattered on the tarmac,” he said.

Source-Sunday News

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