Monday 9 May 2016

Minister Dokora under fire for banning Scripture Union and replacing with controversial National Pledge

PARENTS are outraged over the Primary and Secondary Education minister Lazarus Dokora’s ban on Scripture Unions in schools while at the same time introducing the controversial national pledge.

Our staff writer spoke to some parents who gave their views on this development.

Edwin Chiringa, insurance consultant, 47

“The minister must have a hidden agenda because for me Scripture Unions were good but the national pledge is very bad.

“We must not allow Satanism practices to increase in our country simply because we are poor and we are facing a lot of problems. The same ministry is fighting against what us parents believe is good for our children — where is freedom?

“As for the recently introduced national pledge I only got to know about it when my child brought it home, is this how we work in this country? Children don’t even know the meaning of that pledge and even a lot of parents cannot explain it to their children.”

Vimbai Chikumba, a teacher, 36

“It is ironic that the same Education ministry that banned Scripture Unions is now introducing a national pledge which goes contrary to many people’s beliefs.

“Why does Zimbabwe always copy things from other countries? It seems we no longer have freedom in this country because anyone can just impose anything onto us.

“I think the ministry is now taking the law into their own hands and I strongly believe consultations were supposed to have been done — not just to impose a law to us.

“With this pace in 20 years’ time Christianity will be barred by these leaders. Let’s go back to our old system and shun these satanic tactics.”

Rodrick Chawasarira, a driver, 50

“Scripture Unions are meant to shape children’s behaviour therefore banning them raises a lot of questions. Why is Dokora banning them and what harm do they have on our children?

“We are the ones who send these children to schools and we wonder what motives the minister has because in my own eyes Scripture Unions are not evil. We need clarity from the minister and as parents we are disappointed by his Hitler tactics of dictatorship.”

Marvin Chiguma, a planner, 32

“The Education ministry was supposed to consult us about the national pledge because these are our children. What does the pledge help with since it is more like a national anthem and does it resolve any of our problems in Zimbabwe?

“Scripture Unions were not compulsory and they came as clubs at schools. Students chose any social club of his or her choice and one wonders why they are being banned.

“I think freedom of religion should be allowed in Zimbabwe and as parents we see no harm in scripture unions.”

Source-Weekend Post

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