Tuesday 19 July 2016

First Lady Grace Mugabe turns 51

Cde Grace Mugabe
THE CHIEF Secretary to the President and Cabinet and staff in the President’s Office yesterday wished First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe a happy birthday.

She turns 51 this Saturday (July 23).

In a statement, Dr Misheck Sibanda described Dr Mugabe as a selfless philanthropist.

“This occasion affords us an opportunity to celebrate the life of a selfless philanthropist who continues to champion the cause for the upliftment of the under-privileged, principally through her work at the Grace Mugabe Junior School and the Danhiko Centre for the Disabled,” he said.

Dr Sibanda said the First Lady has also established herself as an outstanding entrepreneur.

“Her Excellency Amai Dr Grace Mugabe has carved herself a niche as an outstanding entrepreneur, having established a state of the art dairy enterprise under Alpha and Omega Dairy, at what was formerly a pristine jungle.

“Inspired by a sense of self belief and innovativeness, she has over the years, transformed Alpha and Omega Dairy into a sprawling enterprise with firm footprints along the entire dairy value chain. As a fitting tribute to her outstanding business acumen, she was duly awarded the prestigious honour of the Outstanding Innovator for year 2016 by the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce,” added Dr Sibanda.

“Over the years, the First Lady has also continued to be a bastion for the defence of good moral and family values, which are critical for social cohesion and national development.

“May the good Lord continue to grant her more years of good health and strength, greater accomplishments!”

Source: Chronicle

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