Friday 15 July 2016

Tsvangirai salutes Pastor Evan Mawarire


MDC leader has told President Mugabe to leave office or face popular protests. He lauded Pastor Mawarire for sending a clear message to the Mugabe regime.

“I want to laud Pastor Evan Mawarire, the Tajamuka pressure group and the ordinary citizens of this country in Beitbridge and elsewhere who continue to send a loud message to this regime that the nation is now fed up. 

Our colleagues in the struggle need to be lauded and commended for their positive effort.

Indeed, we heartily welcome them to the struggle, which I assure you will never be a crowded arena. At our meetings yesterday, the MDC executive organs welcomed the national convergence that is emerging in our troubled country where all players are now agreed that the way forward is to put pressure on this illegitimate regime. 

We have indeed become a big tent of patriotic Zimbabweans singing the same chorus from different social stations. That should be commended,” he told a press conference today.

 Tsvangirai has called for the creation of a multi-partisan National Transitional Authority. “Once bitten twice shy. It is our firm belief that the NTA must not be sculptured as the inclusive government we established seven years ago. 

The NTA must, by statute, operate parallel to the national executive authority of the country but with a specific mandate. The current regime should be left to deal with its own mess in terms of managing the economy. We cannot and should not make our hands dirty in this area.

The NTA will have a very limited tenure and a specific mandate to, among other things:
(a)Supervise the implementation of the Constitution, including the alignment of laws to the same
(b) Oversee and monitor the work of Commissions such as the Human Rights Commission, National Anti-Corruption Commission, National Peace, Healing and Reconciliation Commission, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and others.

(c) Oversee the political reform agenda, some reforms of which are now enshrined in the new Constitution as well as being involved in the preparation for credible elections.
(d) Oversee and monitor food aid and distribution
(e) Develop a shared National Vision and economic reconstruction programme. Our country needs its own Marshal Plan.

Source: Online

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