Saturday 17 September 2016

Andy Muridzo dancer fakes death to claim money

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Musician Andy Muridzo’s dancer Isiah Prezha Manager’ Mudiwa reportedly faked his son’s death and claimed $50 from his employer.

Prior to Muridzo discovering the truth the band leader had ordered his outfit to observe a minute of silence for the said death of Mudiwa’s three year old son. In an interview at Jazz 24/7 where Muridzo has a permanent midweek slot, Prezha Manager appeared distraught.

“I am still confused about this unexpected tragedy in my life with my wife Nollen Muwungani.

My six-year-old son Emmanuel Mudiwa passed on in Rusape on the 7th of September 2016 at Kriste Mambo. My mother in law, Mrs. Nestalian Chabatabere said my son fell from the tree and broke his neck. My family had visited there to help my in-law with tobacco harvesting.
It’s so confusing because the tree that is being pointed at cannot be climbed by a child at such a tender age.

My mother-in-law’s eight year old son cannot climb that tree so how come my son managed? Emmanuel was out only child,” said Prezha Manager.

When H-Metro contacted Mudiwa’s wife, she dismissed the death rumors. “He is a liar, there is nothing like that as the child is alive and kicking.

He is three years old and I actually have the kid with me in Rusape. Contacted for comment, Muridzo expressed his dismay over the rumors.

“It is not good for an artiste to be a liar to the extent that I gave him $50 to travel to Rusape. He said the kid died of diarrhea to me and now there is a story of falling off tree.

“We will look into that as it affects him, the fans and the band. When further contacted, Prezha Manager kept saying hello, hello,” before his phone hanging up.

Source-H Metro

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