Monday 19 September 2016

Vehicle tracking System gives away wife's visits to Sangoma without her husband consent

Robert - Pic Credit - HMetro
A Harare couple’s marriage is on the rock after a car tracking system exposed the shenanigans of the wife’s hidden visits to numerous places including a trip to Budiriro for ritual purposes behind the husband’s back. 

Robert Nantipo (39) of Hillside was shocked to find his wife Eunice Maparura (32), who had left their matrimonial home destined for work, at a house in Budiriro getting assistance from one Allaine Zvimba without his consent and knowledge. 

Zvimba claimed to be a prophet from the madzibaba Wenguwo Tsvuku sect. Robert is convinced that Eunice was in the habit of lying about her whereabouts in the guise of going to work. Last Thursday, Robert tracked the car’s location to Hatfield and Chitungwiza yet Eunice claimed to be at work. 

This prompted Robert to strictly observe the car’s tracking device which Eunice wasn’t aware existed on the vehicle.
Eunice in Madzibaba house
“The time she left home, past 6am, is not the time she goes to work. I sensed that she wasn’t going to work. My cars have trackers so it led me to this house in Budiriro. I saw my car parked outside this house and I entered the premise. 

I asked the gentleman I met at the door if he had seen the owner of the car and I entered the house and saw her lying on a single bed. I noticed traditional things like snuff and many other things. I go to UFIC with Prophet Mkakandiwa that is what I believe. 
Madzibaba Zvimba
She had a bucket and she appeared to be vomiting into the bucket and this gentleman (Zvimba) was sitting on her legs. I asked her what she was doing on that bed and she told me she was sick and needed help. 

She never told me where she was going. Had I seen her kneeling at a shrine with other people it would have been good but I saw her in someone’s house and she tells me she is getting help”? Robert insists Eunice was all jovial before she left home and never complained of any sickness. 

Even if Eunice would take ill, Robert says she is well covered by medical aid. “She left home in a good mood with no signs of being ill, anga ari bho. If she is sick and needs help she has got a medical aid card. If we are sick we go for treatment at Michael Gelfand,” he said.

He added: “If there was nothing sinister about their dealings why hide my wife in another room, it shows that he was taking my wife as his. Atadza kuzvipihwa sei nevadzimu wake kuti ndirikuuya, this traditional healer has no powers he wants people to believe he possesses. 

She removed my church calendars, unaware that she was consulting traditional healers and false prophets, for what reason? We have a family medical doctor to help us but today she has reduced my status to nothing. 
Eunice's car
If she can tell you what she was doing in Hatfield along Kilwinning Road where I tracked the vehicle parked for some minutes and discovered that there is a traditional healer who lives here. The other day she drove to Chitungwiza in Zengeza and I tracked her again as she drove along Patrenda road where she parked the vehicle for a time lying to me that she was at work. 

It is so embarrassing and to make matters worse her parents refused to come to this place after I informed them about this incident. I have no choice other than allowing her to pack her bags and leave my house, why did she do such things behind my back?” said Robert. 

It was better to share with me her problems and get a chance to visit Prophet Makandiwa or prophet Magaya for deliverance than this”

Zvimba exonerated himself from the couple’s conflict but admitted to having offered assistance to Eunice. This was Eunice’s first visit.

“When he came, she was lying vomiting on the patient’s bed and there were four-five people in the room. Anything can happen kana uchibatsirwa. You can vomit, you can do whatever. Issues she had come for assistance for have to do with her job. 

She was saying she was transferred from where she used to work that much I don’t know and the other problem she was complaining of stomach pains. I don’t blame the brother to see his wife getting help and the like because she didn’t tell the husband that I am on my way to doing this which is wrong. 

I don’t have the right to ask anyone who comes here if they have permission from their husband and so forth”.

When H-Metro crew rushed to the scene, Zvimba threatened the crew along with Robert with unspecified action by placing a knife wrapped with a red cloth and sprinkled with blood by the gate. 

Eunice told H-Metro that her reason for consulting the traditional healer was to solve her marital problems and disclosed that she was in a trance that left her weak and unable to speak.

“My husband came into the room and found me vomiting while lying on the bed dressed and not na_ked and I was feeling weak and unable to speak,” said Eunice.

“Madzibaba ava vandimwisa muteuro wandipedza simba rose ndikadikitira zvikuru, kutsvaga kubatsirwa hanzvadzi. It is true that I lied to my husband about where I was unaware that my vehicle has a tracking system, he is the one who bought it for me. 

I regret my actions and ask for forgiveness. My reason for consulting this man was to seek treatment over my stomach ache and seek help to find solution on my marital problems.

“My husband always cheats on me, The other day I caught him with a girlfriend at the Airport. I will make my apology when I get home since I discovered that traditional healers have no such powers they claim to have, he should have seen that my husband was tracking me, I am sorry we have a child and my marriage is more than two years now,” said Eunice.

Source-H Metro

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