Monday 19 September 2016

President Mugabe threatened to beat me up - Cde Mutasa

Cde Mutasa
Former minister, Didymus Mutasa has revealed that President Mugabe threatened to beat him up when he confronted him over Joice Mujuru.

“My expulsion two years ago came because, along with Mujuru, we opposed the way the country was being governed. When I confronted Mugabe over the abuse of the then VP he threatened to beat me up physically.”

Mutasa had been quizzed on the morality of criticising a government he was part of for over three decades and whose violent tendencies were well-documented even before he was forced out, Mutasa said he has always questioned Mugabe’s style of governance.

“I was expelled for questioning some of these things, but I did not always do it in public. I was forced out of government for a short-while after opposing the ESAP (Economic Structural Adjustment Program) in the early 1990s,” Mutasa claimed.

Source: Online

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