Monday 7 March 2016

Comedian Cde Fatso set to perform in India, Belgium and Tanzania

Cde Fatso
Renowned Zimbabwean comedian and Zambezi News co-creator, Comrade Fatso, will this month visit three countries, Tanzania, Belgium and India for shows.

Fatso told journalists that he was motivated to be all over the world.

“I am inspired to be invited all over the world to perform stand-up comedy and talk shows about how we are using honour in Zimbabwe as a toll for change. I feel that the Zimbabwean comedy scene has some interesting lessons to share with the world,” he said.

Cde Fatso was expected to be in New Dehli, India for the Coalition Festival of Creativity from the 4th to the 6th of March. 

The festival was expected to host over 5,000 people and Comrade Fatso was set to perform and give talks about how he uses satire to speak truth to power in a country with limited freedom of expression.

From India he is expected to travel to Tanzania, where he has been invited to the Global Issues Summit which runs from the 11th to the 13th of March in Dar es Salaam. 

While there, Cde Fatso will perform as well as give a keynote address, talking about his comedy and activism.

Source – Online

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