Tuesday 23 August 2016

Did Prophet Makandiwa prophesize about Magaya's arrest?

Following Prophet Magaya’s rape allegations,snippets of a prophecy shared by Makandiwa last year have surfaced on Social media.In the prophecy Makandiwa urges other preachers to pray for them and also shares that he sees a prominent man of God behind bars for rape.

Below is the prophecy that has raised eyebrows with many Zimbabweans believing it was referring to Magaya.

“In Zimbabwe we have fathers of the land, these are the men of God who have come before us and they not known for the gifts like we are having now, and I have a request unto them. They need to Pray for the young and upcoming men of God.

“They should pray for us because it’s a revival that is coming to the nation. They have to do away with divisions and have to prove that they are fathers by not taking sides ,I’m praying and asking them to pray for us too. Because there is personality that I saw behind bars and nothing could be done to reverse this.

“I’m seeing a person behind steel bars, this is why as men of God, we need to be prayed for. When you pray for the church it’s not just UFIC The body of Christ is not just UFIC, Pray for other churches.The church of Jesus goes beyond this ministry.

” If only UFIC goes to heaven its nothing to God, this thing was like a protest, people trying to reverse the sentence, but it will never work. Pray for us as ministers because we need to repent and receive Jesus so that we concentrate with our relationship with God not just the ministry. There is a new law coming up with attention to a woman, because of that law, we need to pray for the man of God.

Because this thing will be an issue of rape, not accusation but real rape! You don’t want a situation where the whole church will come witnessing against a man of God, this can’t be an accusation. So fathers of the land we are asking you to pray for us, this is for the fathers of the land, we are asking you to pray for us. These are not known by their miracles or prophecies, but these have gone before us and have been tried and tested with a clean record.

“They need to pray for us as upcoming pastors and we need to repent as men of God, genuinely give our lives to God. A minister tends to focus on ministry not their relationship with God,  Also you as an individual, pray for this individual, because this will be a sad situation, very sad situation. This is what I see, I don’t see everything as a prophet, , Noo, but I what I see is so much”. Remember the conditions to alter this lets pray and the man of God should repent.


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