Saturday 17 October 2015

Man beats up wife for refusing s-ex

A 22-YEAR-OLD s-ex-starved Hopley man, Clifford Chikoto, was yesterday slapped with a 10-day jail term after being convicted of battering his wife over s-ex.

Chikoto will, however, not do time in prison, after Mbare magistrate Kudzai Zihove suspended his jail term on condition he paid a $30 fine after he pleaded guilty to assaulting ‘s-ex stingy’ Norah Mujiga.

The court heard that on Monday at around 3am while the couple was asleep at their Hopley home, Chikoto indicated to Mujiga he wanted to engage in s-ex with her.

Chikoto told the court that Mujiga refused to give him his conjugal rights, saying she was tired and did not want her sleep interrupted.

This did not go down well with an agitated Chikoto, who became violent and started assaulting Mujiga with open hands and fists.

As a result of the assault, Mujiga is said to have sustained head injuries. In mitigation, Chikoto pleaded with the court to be lenient with him, saying he acted out of frustration.

“May the court forgive me, I acted out of anger, but I love my wife,” he said. In passing sentence, the magistrate said she had considered Mujiga had not sustained serious injuries and also that Chikoto was a first offender.

“You are a young couple and probably have no knowledge of dealing with misunderstandings. However, you must understand that the court does not condone this type of behaviour,” Zihove said.

Yvonne Gurira appeared for the state.


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