Sunday 24 January 2016

Meet Britain's most married man Ron Shephard

Ron and Christel
Ron and fiancee
This is Ron Shephard (67) who has been dubbed Britain’s most married man. He has just proposed for the ninth time.

But he is still married to wife number eight. Ron has proposed to Filipino call centre worker Cristel Marquez – who is 40 years his junior – after secretly chatting her up online.

The couple first met more than 10 years ago, when Cristel, while he was married to Wan, wife number seven, and living in Thailand. Ron’s current wife Weng, number eight, 36, gave him the boot after 11 years of marriage because of his antics on a recent trip to the Far East.

The retired holiday camp entertainer shared a bed with young female masseuse Iza Samontes, 27, on a solo holiday in the Philippines and furious Weng demanded a divorce.

Father-of-eight Ron, who is still sharing a house with Weng in Martock, Somerset, said his ‘quickie divorce’ will be through in May.

‘When I proposed I did get down on one knee – I managed to do it. She said “yes” straight away. She loves me to bits, same as I do her. I think we’ll be married by September.’

Ron has spent 44 of the last 47 years married and his longest union lasted 13 years and the shortest was just 10 months.

Ron added: ‘She doesn’t want me just for a visa because she actually wants to stay in the Philippines, but because of of my medication it would be too expensive, so she has agreed to come over here in about six months.

Cristel said: ‘I want to marry Ron – definitely. He is a very loving person and so sweet. I’m attracted to him. I’ve fallen in love with him.

‘I know about Ron being married eight times before and it doesn’t matter to me. He’s really honest and it’s already passed so it’s the past.’


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