Wednesday 11 May 2016

Noel Nyazanda back at Mberikwazvo

Noel Nyazanda
Respected lead guitarist Noel “Nowero”Nyazanda has retraced his steps to Orchestra Mberikwazvo, the outfit that gave him fame and some measure of fortune, Zimrealnews has learnt. The fiery lead man whose touch is evident in most of Alick Macheso’s blockbuster hits including the much loved Tererai said it was about time he went back home.

“Tingarasike tikaita sei mukoma wangu but home is always best. Alick Macheso is a warm and accommodating man and maybe what made us decide to leave was really because of the inspiration we got from the exposure. 

Mudhara vakatiratidza makwara and we tried something zvikasabuda but I am happy to be rejoining the rest of the team. Mberikwazvo ndiyo team hombe yacho so it always feels good to be back where it all started, mirai muone waya dzacho zvenyu,” Nyazanda said.

Orchestra Mberikwazvo band Manager Lucky Macheso said Noel was back to stay and they will always put the interests of brand Mberikwazvo ahead of personal differences and grudges.

“We believe in doing the best we can to grow our brand and to please Mberikwazvo fans who are our paymasters. The coming back of Noel was therefore something in the pipeline and just like the other members Jonas Kasamba, Obert Gomba and Watson Fundula who are back with us; we felt it was also good to have Noel back home. Hakuna munhu asingatadze muupenyu. We all make mistakes and ill-informed decisions at times but what matters is how we move forward after realising those mistakes,” Macheso said.

The Orchestra Mberikwazvo Manager also exclusively revealed to Zimrealnews that Noel will be  officially unveiled to fans at their Friday Show at Warren Park 1 Bar and that no-one was going to be fired but the lead guitarists will alternate for the good of the band.

“It’s all systems out and come Friday Noel will be doing what he knows best at our Warren Park Bar show. Noel is a seasoned guitarist and we believe he knows that there is competition in the camp so he will be unleashing new guitar skills as we move Mberikwazvo forward. Haisi nguva yekupedzera simba kumagrudge but its time to work. No guitarist will be fired but they will all work together which is good for competition. Kumakwishu gore rino” said the Orchestra Mberikwazvo manager with a chuckle.

Alick Macheso’s band is enjoying a purple patch following the release of the much awaited album Tsoka Dzerwendo and though critics may have a word or two against the album, the truth is it has been largely well-received and it has done well to bring the good times in sungura circles.

For his part, Macheso is already sampling some new songs purportedly implying that gone are the days when his fans would wait for years for a new album.  Songs from the current album are already ruling the roost on local charts and Macheso told Zimrealnews that there is no need to keep his fans waiting like he did with the previous project.

“Tsoka Dzerwendo dzakauya huye tinoda kutenda maboss edu nerutsigiro rwavo. Tava kutoruka rimwe dambarefu sezvamuri kunzwa kune mamwe mashows edu. Pane dzimwe dzimbo dzatakasiya kusanganisira vana ane bhora ndiye anomakwa nedzimwe so it’s going to be exciting. Kwatakabva kwakamboita rima asi mberi uko chiedza chete chete. 

Chitima hachichamira mudhara. Tava kurovera kuenda. Vakomana vacho vane hasha dzemagitare saka kune makundano muchikwata. Iko zvino Nowero adzokawo saka makwikwi. Isu takadzidza kuti kuregerera kunobetsera muregereri kudarika aregererwa saka regai zvidaro. Ndiko kuchenjera kwaMwari ikoko”, Macheso said with his usual carefree attitude.

Macheso’s Public Relations Manager Tich Makamadze also revealed that  as management they had a  lot in store for their fans and this weekend’s shows will be a special treat for their fans.

“After our successful tour of South Africa, we had other highly subscribed shows in Zimbabwe including Masvingo where fans came in their numbers. This Friday we are at Warren Park 1 Bar and then on Saturday we officially open Caprive Pub and Grill ex Madangure Night Club at Ziko shops in Chitungwiza then round up the weekend shows with a Family Show at Zebra Village in Mbare. We have special treaties for fans so they must come in their numbers and celebrate with their band,” he said.

Given the level of confidence and the morale booster Macheso’s camp got from the new album and the return of former band members, fans can only expect good times and it is hoped that the next album will be notches above the current effort Tsoka Dzerwendo which is causing shock waves around Zimbabwe  as it were.

Source: Zimrealnews

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