Thursday 28 July 2016

Breaking: War vets leader Matemadanda arrested


POLICE have arrested Zimbabwe Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) secretary -general Victor Matemadanda, hardly 24 hours after the arrest of the association’s spokesperson Douglas Mahiya as part of a witch-hunt for authors of last week’s hard hitting communiqué calling on President Robert Mugabe to step down.

According to the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), Matemadanda was allegedly picked up by five police officers from his Gokwe home early this morning and taken to Harare’s Law and Order section.

The lawyers said both war veterans leaders were likely to be charged with subverting a constitutionally-elected government and insulting Mugabe.

The latest crackdown follows Mugabe’s Wednesday rant against authors of the alleged offensive communiqué.

More to follow…..


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