Friday 22 July 2016

Pastor impregnates a married congregant

Pastor-impregnates-married-woman-Talent (1)
Talent pic credit HMetro
A PASTOR was on Saturday humiliated in the midst of his church service in Glen View by a married woman believed to be carrying his baby.

Pastor Joseph Ngapasare, 34, who claimed to be a prophet, was forced to abandon playing keyboards during praise and worship during a church service where he had been hired to perform after his married lover Talent Zunzanyika appeared.

Pastor Joseph Ngapasare
Pastor Joseph Pic credit: HMetro
Pastor Joseph, believed to have joined FBI Ministries, sneaked out of the congregation and invited Talent for talks which lasted nearly three hours, impeccable sources told H-Metro.

Talent confirmed her adulterous affair with Pastor Joseph saying her husband was centrally locked by his concubine for the past two years such that there was no more sex in their house.

“I decided to visit Pastor Joseph at the church service on Saturday since he was not responding to my calls over pregnancy issues. “I am two months pregnant,” said Talent.

“I have been seeing him since December last year following a counselling session concerning my family issues. “My husband was locked by his girlfriend that for the past two years we have been living without sex and we have one child.

“Pastor Joseph is the one responsible for this pregnancy and I cannot continue staying with my husband since his relatives are aware that he was locked and his manhood is dysfunctional.

“I informed Pastor Joseph about this and when his wife heard about it I heard that she left the Pastor unceremoniously a fortnight ago. “I am prepared to live with Pastor Joseph as his second wife because he is the one responsible for this pregnancy.

“For the past week, I have been sleeping in his matrimonial bedroom that even his church members are aware of it,” said Talent.

Talent is reported to have introduced herself as the second wife to Pastor Joseph’s landlord at House Number 5770 Glen View 8 where he stays.

Contacted for comment, Pastor Joseph could neither deny nor confirm the adultery issue requesting to meet H-Metro on Saturday in Epworth where he claimed he was now staying.

“I am not prepared to answer issues to do with Talent now; it is better for me to meet you on Saturday for finer details since I am now staying in Epworth,” said Pastor Joseph.

“Call me in the afternoon on Saturday tosangana paReuben totaura nyaya yacho,” he added. Unconfirmed reports pointed to the man of cloth as a Casanova.

“Pastor Joseph itsika yavo ivo pamwechete nevamwe vavo vatinoziva, he was stripped of his position in his former church over sexual abuse allegations; honestly speaking he needs deliverance vane muchiuno chaizvo,” impeccable source said.

Source-H Metro


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