Friday 22 January 2016

Men pestering me for intimacy

Amara Brown
Songstress Ammara Brown says men are always pestering her for s.ex but she has strict rules she adheres to for survival in the music industry.

She tweeted last night that for as long as a woman is pretty and had a va_gina “you are in trouble in the music industry.”

Ammara said as a rule she never dates what she calls the money. These are the people close to her – manager,  band members , dancers, label heads and the best producer.  But she agrees these are the hardest people to resist because she spends most of her time with.


“When someone in ur immediate money circle is upset w/ you ur entire money flow hs got a spanner in th wheel You have to fire them.”

She also said never meet a client without a manager. “This means if your manager is unavailable for the meeting so are you. Under no circumstances should you be met without your shield.

“1 day I met w/ a client without my manager bt w/ my PA.. The client ws inappropriate so I offended him in return we lost the client.” Ammara is a single mother and used to date bad boy Roki.


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