Monday, 11 April 2016

Prophet Bushiri accused of infidelity by Malawian private media


According to the Malawi media where Prophet Shephered Bushiri ‘Major One’ comes from,a list of ladies whom he impregnated has been compiled.The ladies were left with no option but to expose him since he no longer wants to support them financially.

For a start the following are the names:

1.Tadala Tujaliwe Busisiwe Ndisale

2.Taonga Prophetic Garoy Gondwe

3. Brenda Phiri

4.Bitiful Timbeu

Bushiri, if he worships the true God, deep down his heart he knows that he went deeper in the pants of these ladies and sowed a seed.

Watch out for part 2 and comprehensive list.

Telling the truth as it is.

Source : Malawi Independent

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